Business letter writing sample book

A Personal Message
from Shirley

Find out more about Shirley here.

Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents seventh edition

Meet the Author

Shirley Taylor has established herself as a leading authority in modern business writing and communication skills. Her books are popular all over the world, and have been translated into many languages.

Born in the UK, Shirley has also lived and worked in Singapore, Bahrain and Canada. She now lives in Singapore where she founded ST Training Solutions Pte Ltd, a company providing high quality public and in-house training programmes with professional trainers.

Shirley specialises in training on powerful business writing skills, email etiquette, confident communication skills, developing great relationships, and success skills for secretaries. Shirley is a popular trainer with many corporate clients, as well as an engaging keynote speaker at international conferences.

Find out more about Shirley here.

Training with Shirley
and STTS

STTS specialises in providing training in all aspects of communication skills. Check out our popular public workshops. All these programmes can be customised specially for any organisation to conduct in-house.

Contact Shirley now at +65 6838 1069
or email her at

Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents is published by Pearson Education Limited

Why do you need a copy of this latest edition of Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents (seventh edition)?

In business, communication counts. If written clearly and structured well, your letters, emails, reports and other documents will achieve better results. Model Business Letters is a practical and comprehensive guide that not only tells you how to do this, but also gives you easy to use examples that you can lift straight off the page and adapt for your own use.

Model Business Letters is the most effective guide you will ever find to help you put the key rules of good business writing into action. You will learn how to:

write appropriately for any situation
ensure your message is understood every time
structure documents more effectively
build rapport with customers and colleagues

Model Business Letters contains over 300 sample documents covering a wide of business situations, as well as practical advice on content, language, style and structure. This comprehensive book gives you an essential framework for creating clear and effective business correspondence, plus over 100 useful tips for better business writing.

With almost half a million copies sold worldwide, Model Business Letters has firmly established itself as the definitive guide to clear and effective business writing. This seventh edition has been completely revised and updated to reflect the significant changes in business communication over recent years.

The easy to use examples and practical advice on content, language, structure and style will help you to:

master modern business writing for any occasion
develop great working relationships
use email effectively and write clear and concise messages
write for websites, blogs and social media
compose creative and persuasive documents

Take a Sneaky Peek

Read some extracts from Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents now. Learn how you will benefit from updating your writing style and improving the language, style and structure of all your business documents.

Buy Model Business Letters now

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It's easy to share the news about Shirley Taylor's Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents with your friends, colleagues, customers and family. Not only will you be helping them to become more effective communicators, but you'll be helping them to build lasting relationships through clear, crisp and modern writing. Here's how:

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  1. Kindly be advised, please revert, attached herewith, for your perusal, above-mentioned and below-mentioned. Do you use any of these phrases in your emails? They are so old-fashioned! Shirley Taylor's new book is just what you need to update your writing. Model Business Letters, Emails and Other Business Documents 7th edition will show you how to write in modern language that will make a better connection with your readers. Check it out now at

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  1. I highly recommend my friend Shirley Taylor's new book #ModelBusinessLetters 7th edition. Visit today.

Do you want to sharpen up
your business writing skills?

Learning to write clearly and effectively takes time, and you will need some tools and the right resources to help you. Check out all these goodies in Shirley's Business Writing Toolbox to help you get to grips with modern business writing skills.

Bite-sized Business Writing Tips
Check out over 100 practical tips that you can apply immediately to improve your writing.
Shirley's Articles
Shirley's advice and articles on all aspects of modern business writing and Communication will make sure you make a good impression every time.
Shirley's Video Series
Watch Shirley's A-Z of Business Writing Blunders. Each short video covers one common mistake made in business writing – from A to Z! You'll learn about some of the many common mistakes people make in their business writing and how you can avoid them.
Check out Shirley's A-Z video series now.

Here's Shirley with a special display of her books in Kinokuniya bookstore, Singapore.

What a great poster of Shirley's book in Kinokuniya, Singapore.

Visit the book's companion website

Here you'll find a download for most chapters of the book, including Word templates for letters that you can adapt for your own use. There are also checklists from the book to ensure you're on the right track.

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© Shirley Taylor