Da Form 7222

A fillable DA 7222 Form is used to evaluate a civilian on their job with the US Army. It is also known as the Senior System Civilian Evaluation Report. In addition to evaluating the ability of the individual to complete their job in a satisfactory manner, it also documents whether the person meets the Army's core values. The results of this evaluation could impact whether the civilian receives a raise or a promotion.

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What is a DA Form 7222? How to complete a DA Form 7222 (Step by Step)

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What is a DA Form 7222?

A DA Form 7222 is also known as a Senior System Civilian Evaluation Report, and it is used by the Department of the Army. The form is used to rate an individual on their job performance and Army values. It may be used to see if someone is eligible for a raise or promotion.
The form will include information about the person being rated as well as the people who are rating the individual. This includes the original rater, the intermediate rater, and the senior rater. Underneath this section are the tables and charts used for rating the civilian. This is where any raise or performance based reward will be listed.
There is also a performance evaluation section on the form that allows the rater to assign a value to the individual’s performance in their job duties. This will help to assess whether a performance based reward is in order. Written examples of excellence can be included.

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How to complete a DA Form 7222 (Step by Step)

To complete a DA Form 7222, you will need to provide the following information: